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Take a look at the latest plans for the Romford Masterplan

On Saturday 7 September we held the second Your Romford public exhibition at the Liberty Shopping Centre, receiving feedback from 177 people on the day.

Once you’ve taken a look through, please fill in this feedback form to let us know what you think of the plans outlined. Please submit your thoughts by Sunday 22 September.

You can read more about the process to date and how people’s priorities, ideas and aspirations have helped to shape the direction of the Romford Town Centre Masterplan in this article.

Next steps

There are still a couple of stages left before the Masterplan becomes a Supplementary Planning Document, which will be undertaken in the coming months:

  • Last refinements to the draft Masterplan: Following the exhibition, feedback will be reviewed and final refinements will be made to the draft Masterplan.

  • Formal consultation on Masterplan: The Council’s Planning team will then carry out a formal consultation on the draft document in the coming months. You will have the opportunity to review the full document and submit a response. The Council will then prepare a summary of these comments and how they have responded.

  • Adoption of Masterplan: Once approved by the Havering Cabinet, the Masterplan will become a piece of formal planning guidance.

If you have any questions, get in touch using this contact form.

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